Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We are not meant to be, so let us say I do

We are not meant to be, so let us say I do

What if your parents arranged you with the wrong person?((OPEN))


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can I take the youngest prince of fire

Also are there like other types of creatures that are more animal like cause I have an idea or is it just the ones controlling the kingdoms

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Hi there! May I reserve the Eldest Water Princess, or is her role taken? 'Cause I see that's it's underlined.



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May I reserve the eldest air princess, please??? This looks really interesting. I like it. ;3

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Member for 1 years

@Ceh12- You can have him and you want to be something different then that's okay. I'm all ear for ideas.
@Mat_16 You can have the eldest air princess and thank you! I was worried no one would join.
@ LavenderMistress, you can have the youngest because I'm taking the oldest. :D

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